
Motel girls

Now, one or two days later, as I said before, Wang Jiao got all excited of unsatisfaction, and decided we needed more sexy content. He asked our make-up lady, Xiao Yu, to find us 4 girls for a shooting session in a hotel. Girls who would not make a whole story if we asked them to take a lot off. That was set so fast, and the next day, I was in charge to take photos of two of them! I had a date the eve with a news journalist from Hunan TV, Sherry, as she had free tickets for the new 3D movie, Avatar, renamed A Fang da in Chinese.

For that reason, I made a deal with Fongzi, the other photographer in charge, to shoot the first two ones who would arrive, and him the last two ones. We wouldn’t know the schedule of the models invited, so it would be a surprise for both of us. That day, we all got ready and go to the hotel around 10 am. Xiao Yu was already there, preparing the first girl. She was a dancing teacher called Limi, working for a pole dancing school. Not young, but her body was slim and muscly. She would use her dancing moves to accomplish different poses, quite classic, but still interesting. I would just tell her when to slow down, redo some nice moves, change to new ones. Pretty easy for that side. The only thing was that her expressions would not that good. It is easy to know how girls look nice, but hard for me to tell her how to act and stick to it. The reason is that I like them to enjoy the shooting session, and if they like fixing the camera with a certain kind of feel, telling them to show me her profile all the time or close their eyes and look down, is… like saying « You’re not pretty enough, don’t look here. » … So my way of doing, for now, is take 1000 shots, and take the 10 very good ones out of it, the 990 other ones being just warm up, light setting, and fun for them.

It was quite exalting to see how easy the job was, asking her at each new step, to take something off, or do hotter moves. She wouldn’t refuse, like the girl who came after her, or if she hesitated a little, it was only for face purpose, so I wouldn’t think « she’s an easy girl ». The were there to be taken in photo, they knew, and get some fame out of it. It was their first time ever to do sexy photos, but they were ready and, I think, appreciated it a lot. So I took quite a long time with her, and when it was time for the second girl, we started being in a hurry, so we had to close up her session very fast. Luckily, her face, after make up, was perfect, as her hair. She was playing the « wild girl on the beach » type. I had her wear that little white top I brought from Hangzhou, it suited her perfectly. Her breast was honorably big. They had stuck two squares of tape on her tits, which I had her take off after some time, as it was too obvious and not sexy at all. She didn’t complain. I wonder if the fact of being present when the first girl, Limi, was being taken in photo, made her want to be even sexier and accept to go further… hmm… that second girl was very unsure of what to do, and would listen to any advice I’d give her. It was very agreeable to work with her, as her face expressions were all very sexy and photogenic. She was a little chubby, but as you know, with the right angles, she looked great. Wang Jiao, unfortunately, shortened my sessions (she was on the bed, taken her jeans off little by little), to have her change location for the shower area. We had very little time now, as she had to leave to catch a plane. It was a great idea of his, the green ceramics of the walls added value to the background, and after he took most of the photos, I could take mine, which I think, are the best 😉 . Still, I felt time was lacking, but he told me we’d meet them again for more in the future… That was the conclusion of my first real sexy session with Newko, it was really nice, and the model were pretty easy going. Later, I left for the movie, and Fongzi did a pretty good job with the next two models. All were sexy, but in a very different way.  I will add some photos when they are finally published. Oh, well, here is one, it hasn’t been chosen, so it’s exclusive content…

Ting Ting in the motel shower

PS It was my first time to use cinema lights, and I really liked the feel it gives. It’s big lights on stands that heat up really fast, and provide strong light, but don’t flash. Just like normal lights, but superstrong, with a warm colour, not suitable during hot days, because we all sweat like hell, and it’s a little dangerous also. The bulbs often need to be changed, and at the end, the bulbs cost you much more than buying the stands themselves.

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