I wouldn’t recommend it happened to you, but if it does, here are a few cool ways to get rid of colds and sore throats.
In China, many people would recommend you to go to hospital and have an IV ( intravenous ) drip. It mustn’t scare you, it’s not like in Europe where we go to see doctors in small offices when we feel bad. In China, everyone sick in need of help usually goes to hospital, even for small troubles. You go to the welcome desk and make a health booklet and health card for a few rmb, unless you already have one from that hospital. All health departments of the hospital will use them to log information, like the problem you have, the treatment you need, the prescription to get.
Anyway, IVs are effective and contain stuff like antibiotics. The effect is faster, as it goes directly into the blood, instead of the stomach when you eat pills. I can say it, because I tried it, and I got better in the next 20 minutes, even if I was feeling horribly bad before the IV. I couldn’t believe it could be so fast! But no, that’s not good for you health on the long run, like any western medicine, that kills the disease but makes your system weak and your legs soft like jelly.
So, what you could do if you have a sore throat, is to buy a bottle of this Chinese medicine:
They are many different brands around, but they are all condensed loquat extract. A spoon or two a day, pure or diluted in hot water as a drink.
You see, I finished mine:
Say to the lady at the pharmacy that you want 枇杷膏, pípágāo, condensed loquat extract.
Loquat (aka Japanese plum):
Another thing you can try, is also a Chinese traditional medicine, in the form of small bags of dark granules, which are to mix with hot water and drink as so, once or twice a day. It isn’t harmful at all, and can have positive effects after a few days. Some taste good and sweet, some taste like it should…
An example of how it may look like at your local pharmacy, once taken out of the box:
The sellers should understand what you want if you ask for 感冒冲剂, gǎnmào chōngjì (感冒 gǎnmào: to have a cold, 冲剂 chōngjì: medicine to be taken after being mixed with a liquid).
Last, very popular homemade recipe to get rid fast of your cold, better to use before sleeping: buy some fresh ginger, peel it and slice it. Put it to cook in coca-cola (10 mins), drink the liquid (don’t eat the ginger slices, hu!), go to bed, and sweat the hell out of your body. Next day you should feel better, as you killed all the viruses with your fever. If you think coca-cola is Evil, use water instead, and add some honey to make it taste good.
Hope this info will help you next winter 🙂